Now charge your bike with this best solar power for your bike


An ingenious solution to charge your bike on the go. With a solar charging canopy along with a supporting canopy, the electric start-up comes with a windshield that is designed in such a way that can fit any bike. By using solar energy, substantial energy can be recharged into the batteries.

Why everyone is into the best solar power for your bike? Because it runs on solar and is considered to be one of the most eco-friendly innovations in the world. Since oil and fossils are regarded as non-renewable resources. What can drive sustainability is the way of sourcing energy through sources that do not get depleted.

The Best solar power for your bike though run on solar energy but in case of cloudy days when solar energy is not sufficient, then there is a battery that can run this solar power bike. Thus, combining electric and solar energy to supply power to the bike. As in all solar-powered bikes, there is built-in solar energy that has an array of photovoltaic cells. When the sunrays fall on these cells it converts the energy of the sun that powers the battery of the bike. So when the photons reach the photovoltaic cells, they excite the electrons for allowing them to flow through. This reaction produces an electric current.

Then there are battery-powered solar bikes. The solar panels in the wheels of the bike capture the sun’s photons, when powered by solar energy. This is more than an efficient conventional bike and one that is eco-friendly. With a multi-purpose socket, the solar bike can be charged even on cloudy days. The best solar power for your bike are:

1.       Goal zero Guide 10

2.       RAV/Power 45 W

3.       Anker Powerpoint Solar 21W

4.       Suntactics charger-14

5.       Big Blue28W


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